Project In Focus

We give thanks every day for all you do for our brothers and sisters in crisis. Your support and prayers are vital to our mission and are never taken for granted.

The Apostolic Vicariate of Mitú lies in the Amazon region of eastern Colombia, in an area covering over 21,000 square miles. Roughly a third of its population lives in the town of Mitú, and the remainder are scattered throughout the jungle-clad region.

Bishop Medardo de Jesús Henao del Río, the Apostolic Vicar of Mitú, has told us that what would be helpful is if the Church could obtain motorized rickshaws in order to reach more of the faithful located in distant regions. We have promised him our help. READ MORE

News of the Suffering and Persecuted

Nigeria 2

“Forty percent of our city is underwater,” says bishop in Nigeria 

The Nigerian city of Maiduguri was recently hit by terrible flooding. Aid to the Church in Need is helping the local diocese with food, sanitation, medicine, and shelter.   The Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Maiduguri, in Nigeria, has issued an appeal for help in the wake of devastating floods affecting his city.  In a video message sent to Aid to the ...
Reconstructed shrine and retreat house founded by Fr. Abdul Ahad Rayes in Araden.
IRAQ / NATIONAL 22/00429
Reconstruction of shrine and retreat house to founder Fr Abdul Ahad Rayes in Araden

Iraq: Rekindling faith in the “Land of Eden” 

Through its support for a construction project in Iraqi Kurdistan, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has helped a religious order to strengthen its roots in the region, for the benefit of all Christians in Iraq.   Araden is a small village in the Sapna Valley, in Iraqi Kurdistan, surrounded by the beautiful Gozaneh mountains and watered by the Great Zab ...
Maidiguri Nigeria

Nigeria: ACN asks for prayers after Maiduguri floods  

Maiduguri, Nigeria, known for having been the hub of Boko Haram, is now grappling with a devastating flood, which has engulfed significant parts of the city, including St. Patrick’s Cathedral Church. The catastrophic event is believed to be the result of damage to the Alau Dam, located a few miles from Maiduguri.  According to media reports, Maiduguri, the capital of Borno ...
Improvement of Pastoral Care for Migrants in Argentina through integration practices with migrant faithful and spaces for pastoral training of pastoral agents

Argentina: “The migrants have the face of Jesus” 

With funding from Aid to the Church in Need, a recent project aims to integrate immigrants in Argentina and create pastoral agents to deal with the challenges of inclusion, like cultural and linguistic barriers.   “The immigrants need more than just compassion and material help. We need to ask them about their roots: their religion, their traditions. How can we understand popular ...
Internally displaced people from Débé on the compound of the Cathedral in Dedougou, Burkina Faso 2023

Burkina Faso: “As a pastor, my heart bleeds”

In only a decade, Burkina Faso has become an epicenter of terrorist violence, with over 40 percent of the country’s land outside of government control. And in this situation, the Catholic Church provides material and spiritual support. Two Burkinabe priests from a diocese hard hit by extremists shared their experiences with ACN.   “The situation is dire,” said Father Bertin Namboho and ...

After escalating violence, situation in Burkina Faso is “dire” 

Priests from Burkina Faso testify to the suffering in their communities after the massacre of hundreds.  Extremist groups controlling about 40 percent of Burkina Faso are now as dangerous as Boko Haram was in Nigeria, according to Father Bertin Namboho, bursar of the Nouna Diocese in western Burkina Faso.  Speaking with Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), Father ...

A Catholic charity serving our suffering and persecuted brothers and sisters around the world since 1947

Projects of the Month

Ordination of Father Premeno Narzary
Formation of 22 Major Seminarians, (2023 - 2024).

Help for 22 Seminarians in India 

The Catholic Church in northeast India is still relatively young and took root at the end of the 19th century. ...
Procession to end the festival
Construction of the pastoral parish center at the our Lady of banishment in Boqueirão

A Pastoral Center for a Parish in Brazil 

The parish of Boqueirão belongs to the Diocese of Campina Grande in an impoverished part of northern Brazil. It is ...
Sister visiting a sick old woman.
Subsistence aid for 102 Sisters of Mary Immaculate in Ukraine for 2023

Support for Religious Sisters in Ukraine 

The Greek Catholic congregation of the Handmaids of the Immaculate Virgin Mary has 103 sisters working in 16 towns and ...

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